Sunday, February 24, 2008

Getting Ready for Spring........

We have a ton of these cabinet cards. I love to imagine what the people were like........and check out their fabulous clothes. Fabulous to look at. I sure wouldn't want to have to wear all those corsets and petticoats! The photos make wonderful fodder for collages, displays, and many kinds of artwork. I sketched a face from one the other day. Don't laugh now, I'm just learning to draw people.

We are getting ready for spring! There hasn't been many photos lately...but I should have taken some before and after photos. You see, the city has been restoring some more rooms in our building.. the old jail cells. They will house a wonderful art exhibit.........I'll take some pics of the hanging of the exhibit and give you a sneak preview through the blog. The photos depict sights along Route 66. More info on the opening of the exhibit in a future post.

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